SDG 3: Good health and well-being


Our ambition:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

As a part of our vision to become the preferred supplier of sustainable stainles steel, we need to work towards a constructive and clear direction. That is why we commit to ISO 14001 certification as well as upholding seven of the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):


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How will we get there?

  • Safety first! HSE Policy OP-01
  • Safe working conditions
  • HSE according to national law
  • Safety representative at each warehouse
  • Personal safety and protective equipment
  • Defibrillators at each location
  • Chemical overview and associated data sheets
  • Maintenance of machines and equipment
  • Health insurance for all employees to prevent sick leave and provide good and effective health care.
  • Compliance to GDPR (data protection regulation): GDPR
  • Cooperate with suppliers, customers and partners complying with national and international laws and are certified or in accordance with ISO 45001.