We would like to inform that Steffen Pettersen has taken over the job as Sales Director for our Domestic Market in Norway.
Steffen will be still be leading our work towards Oil & Gas globally. His new position is Sales Director Oil & Gas and Domestic Market.
Steffen joined Sverdrup Steel late in 2018, his initial position was to head a new team in Sverdrup that was to focus on oil & gas projects and maintenance both in Norway and internationally.
Steffen has a strong background from oil & gas project work from his many years at Norsk Stål and SFF. With the growth Sverdrup Steel has had over the last couple of years, and the what is to come in coming years. Steffen was a perfect fit for Sverdrup Steel.
We have been very pleased to see how Mr. Pettersen has settled in and how quickly he has become an essential member of the organization. The results produced by him and his team speak for themselves.
Ove Mæhle will retain his role as Purchasing Manager for round bar. He is happy to have more time to handle many of our key customers in the manor they have grown accustomed to through years of cooperation with Ove.
We would like to wish both Steffen and Ove good luck with their new roles.